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Women Inspiring Women Always is an organization where women of all ages from 13 and up come together to share stories, motivate, and inspire each other.  We hold quarterly workshops, conferences, one on one coaching, small group sessions.  We have a segment call REAL TALK where we interview, discuss and share stories of growth and success.  We aim to create an environment where women can see their strengths, develop self-confidence, and become well-rounded, independent thinkers.


What Makes Us Different

At WIWA we work diligently and believe God’s word has the power to change and transform lives.  We are a team of women networking and collaborating together to support and uplift one another.  We concentrate on personal and spiritual development.

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Meet Linda Joseph. She is a best selling author! life coach, counselor, mentor, pastor, teacher, and a  motivational speaker....the list goes on.  Linda has a knack for teaching, motivating, and inspiring everyone she meets, especially youths and women, teaching them to get out of their comfort zones. She believes we are made to do something big in life, unfortunately, most of us never realize our gifts or potential.  Life set her up to fail but she triumphantly pressed through.  She now acknowledges her gift and turned her pain into purpose which birthed "WIWA" Women Inspiring Women Always. Subscribe to Shemergence Weekly Motivational Affirmations on Facebook & ASA TV

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O U R   M I S S I O N

Equipping Women to renew their minds in this diversified cultural and ethnic environment. We come from various backgrounds culturally, religiously and professionally. Our goal is to make positive and measurable impact on our community.

O U R   C A U S E

Women working together to make our community better. We encourage women to extend themselves in supporting each other in business, sharing resources, and providing inspiration.

O U R   V I S I O N

Empower women to reach their full potential and fullness in life and profession. We encourage mentoring, training and other opportunities for women to share strengths and weaknesses, talents and experiences with each other.  We believe if you can dream it, we can do it together.  

Yellow Lounge Chair

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